When we listen to a sermon, we hope for two things: an explanation of the passage, and how it relates to us. These are the two goals the Boice Expositional Commentary Series accomplishes. It helps preachers, teachers and students of the Bible understand the Bible’s tough passages. Then, Boice makes his message relatable. This set is simple, useful, and we’ll show you how it works in this post.

First, who was Boice?

James Montgomery Boice, born in 1938, taught at Harvard and Princeton. He is considered an American Reformed Christian theologian, most known for his writing on the authority of Scripture. He also took a big stand for biblical inerrancy during his lifetime. From 1968 until his passing, he was the Senior Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia.

Next, let’s look inside the Boice Expositional Commentary Series and see how it works in the Olive Tree Bible App.

Boice in the Resource Guide

Like any enhanced resource, the Boice Expositional Commentary Series is built to work hand-in-hand with the Resource Guide. As you read the Bible, the Resource Guide follows along and shows you resources with relevant content.

In the screenshot below you can see the results in the commentary section—including Boice’s Commentary. Since Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is open, the Resource Guide will shows notes related to that specific passage. This saves time and effort!

Boice Commentary - Resource Guide

About Boice’s Commentary

First, an explanation of the text.

Many people appreciate that the Boice Expositional Commentary Series reads like a devotional or sermon. Getting caught up in the nuances of the text may not help you better understand a passage! Instead, this commentary explains the things that matter most.

Also, this series combines careful scholarship and clear communication. It reads verse-by-verse and section-by-section. Boice uses thoughtful interpretation with contemporary insight for daily living. Doing so helps him explain the meaning of the text.

Second, relating the text.

Lastly, he relates the text’s concerns to the church, Christianity, and the world in which we live. Whether used for devotions, preaching, or teaching, this authoritative and thought-provoking series appeals to a wide range of readers. You could be a serious Bible student, a pastor, or an everyday Christian and still gain insight from this commentary.

Boice Commentary
Tap on hyperlinks to read references without losing your place.


The Boice Expositional Commentary Series is a perfect addition to any Bible study library. Add this commentary series to your Olive Tree library today.


  1. Bill Havard

    Didn’t see the original sale of the Boice commentary set for $100 and would buy it right now for that price, but can’t afford the $500.